Bring DEEPER Seminars
to your church:

It's not a conference, where you listen to one speaker after another.
It's not a lecture, where you listen to one speaker go on and on.
It's inter-active training, facilitated and guided, filled with discovery.
Discover FOUR distinct retreats below this introductory video:
"Ray Hollenbach has been a significant voice in my spiritual life. Over the years his books, messages, and friendship have been a consistent and challenging inspiration for me as a disciple of Jesus." ~ John Mark McMillan, songwriter, singer, and church leader.
Here are four different retreats capable of impacting you, your leadership team, and the people of your church:
DEEPER Discipleship: Most people try discipleship programs the same way they try diet programs: one after another and without much success. Discover the four foundations that must be in place before you try any discipleship program.
DEEPER Leaders: Discover the lifegiving practices that cause leaders to grow as a team, and individually. How healthy is your team? Psalm 133 reminds us that blessing flows from the head downward, and reaches even to the hem of the garment.
DEEPER Fruit: Beyond being able to recite the list in Galatians chapter 5, most believers have very little idea how to cultivate this fruit. Help your people discover what the fruit of the Spirit looks like in practical operation--and how to nurture more!
DEEPER Grace: Too often we shorten the meaning of grace, and it becomes a synonym for "forgiveness." But God's grace is empowerment for living. Change your view of grace, discover the riches and treasure of grace, and find new strength to follow Jesus.
Watch this endorsement from Pastor Aaron McCarter-->
Read this testimonial from the pastor of a small-but-passionate country church.
Want a Deeper Seminar Exclusively for your church? Use the Contact Page on this website: or Email Ray directly to start a conversation: ray (dot) hollenbach (at)
Also, you're invited to subscribe to the monthly Leadership Letter or to the Students of Jesus blog site.