Entries from October 1, 2020 - October 31, 2020
Because in 2020, We Need Them: A Few More Beatitudes

I mean no disrespect: of course Jesus did it better. But from my life experience, here are my beatitudes:
Blessed are the unwanted, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those filled with anxiety, for they will be given peace.
Blessed are the failures, for they are infinitely treasured.
Blessed are the desperate, for they will find refuge.
Blessed are those afraid of missing out, for they are invited in.
Blessed are the counselors, for they shall be counseled.
Blessed are those we call enemies, for they are beloved of God.
Blessed are those who make disciples, for they shall be called friends of Jesus.
And blessed are you, when people count you out, ignore your needs, and stack the deck against you: rejoice and be glad, for this is the inheritance of God’s people, his family, and yours.