NEW RELEASE - From the "Deeper" series: Discover the one to spiritual formation and lasting changhe


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Entries in Quiet (6)

Everyone's Entitled to My Opinion . . . About Silence

I like my conveniences: electricity and all the things that come with it.  Hot water, microwave, television, radio, iTunes, YouTube, Hulu, Bluetooth, you name it.  Those of us who enjoy these privileges are the late-comers to history. For thousands of years the rhythm of life rose and fell with sunlight and stars. Candles were hand-made and expensive. Not even kings or queens would think of putting a hundred candles around a bath tub for a relaxing soak.
It’s not just the undulation of light: we’ve manufactured noise to a breathtaking level. One reason pipe organs and symphony orchestras were the rage in Bach and Mozart’s day was no one had ever heard such sound before--so full that patrons' hearts would burst at the fullness. Now, they all live inside my ear-buds.
Laptops, iPhones, iPads, and Satellite TV are just fine. But their use comes with a price. The price is silence, and in the silence God is speaking: “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (Zepheniah 3: 17)  Can you imagine? Peace, quietness, confidence, and the chance to hear God Himself singing over you. Have you ever heard His song?
I’m not anti-anything. I'm pro the-presence-of-God. In my opinion you should take out the ear buds today, and listen.

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