NEW RELEASE - From the "Deeper" series: Discover the one to spiritual formation and lasting changhe


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The Grumpiest Person in Heaven

We have all met some really mean people in our lives. Take a moment and try to recall the meanest person you know. Perhaps it was your sixth-grade teacher. Or a neighbor who went beyond unfriendly all the way to downright nasty. The kind of mean person who still has the ability to raise your blood pressure even if you haven’t seen him or her in years.

Have you selected someone? Someone real? Good. Now imagine that person in Heaven. There they are, among the people of every tribe, tongue and nation, surrounded by the worshiping assembly drawn from all generations. Don’t try to clean them up, leave ‘em grumpy: critical, hard-hearted, stingy and sour--the same person in heaven as they are on earth. It doesn’t seem right, does it? How could an unhappy, miserable, mean person join the throng?

This exercise is not about God’s forgiveness. It’s about who we are after we turn to God. God forgives the deepest evil in our lives. Corrie TenBoom used to say, “there is no pit that God’s love is not deeper still.” I’m glad--aren’t you? But forgiveness is not the same thing as spiritual formation. Spiritual formation is about what happens to us after we receive the gracious gift of Jesus and his sacrifice. Spiritual formation is learning how to live in heaven right now.

What if we were forgiven by God but remained forever unable to change? What if our decision to accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross meant we were forever trapped in a cycle of sin and forgiveness, over and over again, unable to escape the kind of person we had become. How many of us want to come to God asking forgiveness for the same things year after year, decade after decade--always forgiven, never able to change?

The earliest followers of Jesus expected spiritual formation to follow hard after forgiveness. They took seriously the metaphor of the new birth. They expected that babies grow into children, and children grow into adults. They considered conversion the beginning, not the end.

Paul shared the gospel with people in Galatia, and later wrote to them because they began to embrace a grumpy spirituality:
“Now that you know God, how is it you are turning back to weak and miserable principles? . . . What has happened to all your joy? . . . I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” (Galatians 4: 9,15,19)
His concern was not only for correct doctrine but also for growth and health. He expected that Jesus could actually be formed in them. How many of us have the same expectation today?

He urged the believers in Rome to break free of the habits of the past and find not just eternal life, but the kind of life that could transform them into different people:
“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.” -And- “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 8:29 & 12:2)
Don’t get bent out of shape over the word “predestination. I have no idea what it means, but Paul clearly indicated that followers of Jesus have a destiny become like Jesus. Did he think we would magically become different people when we got heaven? Or did he expect spiritual transformation to begin here and now?

How many of us turned to Jesus for something more than forgiveness? How many of us heard all of the good news--that right relationships, peace, and joy are possible in this life as we learn to drink deep of God’s presence here and now? (Romans 14:17) What if we can be transformed from the mean guy into the Christlike guy day by day? Did anyone tell us that the joys of heaven need not wait until the end of the age?

When we are born from above the beginning has just begun. The joys of heaven are available to us as we learn how to walk in the Spirit. The prison of our own anger, resentment, and yes--our own meanness--can drop away as we position ourselves to receive more and more of the grace of God. The Biblical ideal of spiritual transformation holds the promise of heaven on earth because we can join the heavenly host now. Wouldn’t it be a shame to get to heaven and be unable to enjoy the party?

Reader Comments (4)

Great stuff Ray. Jesus welcomes us just as we are, but that doesn't mean he wants us to stay that way!

May 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEd Cyzewski

Thanks, Ed, and so true. I often wonder why so many Christians think they will somehow undergo a magical transformation just because they die and go to heaven. His grace extends to the here and now, offering us real hope for change and growth.

May 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRay Hollenbach

Excellent seed Ray. By my experience the child-parent analogy works yet again. When we recognize the love our Father has for us we childishly begin to emulate that love for our siblings and neighbors. When we truly recognize how our Father can forgive our childish errors we begin to emulate that forgiveness toward our siblings and neighbors. I had not been at peace with myself until I recognized the working reality of my Lord God. I am still childish in my emulation of His example but I am at peace as my faith grows with practice that it worked in me yesterday, is improving today and I now have a faith eternal that the relief, fun and peace from forgiveness and love will work forever. I will have the opportunity to shed all remnants of grumpiness if I am in the Way of Luke 10:25-37. I cannot be an heir to eternal life without valuing the love, mercy and forgiveness of as set by the example of my Lord God. Thanks Ray, please forgive my wordy response as it is clear that I definitely was not graced with your eloquence though I think we share a passion to share the grace extended each of us by our Father in Heaven. Thank you, Herm

May 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHerm Halbach

Herm: All responses are welcome, wordy or otherwise. Here's the take-away for me, "When we truly recognize how our Father can forgive our childish errors we begin to emulate that forgiveness toward our siblings and neighbors."

May 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRay Hollenbach

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