Vagabond Grace

Grace is birthed in a stable and though it is homeless, it welcomes whoever celebrates its coming. Grace pulls back the veil between heaven and earth; it turns the night sky into the glory of God. Grace is where shepherds dine with Magi and humble young parents play host to perfect strangers.
Grace wanders; he does not build a house. Grace searches for welcome. Grace calls at every door, but never trespasses. He stands at the door and knocks, ready to bring a feast inside. Vagabond grace is the beggar bearing treasure. We welcome the wretch into our home; he reaches into his threadbare bag and pulls out gifts more precious than gold. His satchel holds love, joy, and peace. He bestows patience and kindness. He fills the room with the fragrance of goodness, and leaves behind a map to faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Grace is the subtle hand of God before our very eyes. Grace gives thanks for a humble meal, and thousands sit and eat. Grace never condemns, yet somehow commands us to go and sin no more. Grace walks the pavement and it turns to gold.
Grace supplies our deepest need. We want a deliverer; God sends grace. We want to see power and the glory; God sends grace and truth. We want a king; God sends a Servant. Grace rules the world without title or rank. Grace has legions at his command, and never once calls for their aid.
Grace is never a tyrant—but forever a king.
Reader Comments (3)
Hi Ray,
Jesus Christ full of grace and truth the Bible says. There is the grace that provides abilities and gifts for service to the believer. Paul says that his apostleship was given to him by grace through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gave gifts to men by grace. Grace is inherent in God it seems, as goodness is inherent in God. Everything comes to us through Jesus Christ, is what I understand the Bible to teach.
Just some thoughts this morning that I have.
And nice thoughts they are, Linda. Thank you for reading, and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Ray from Alberta, Canada