Entries in Deeper Change (1)
A Book About . . . Repentance?!? (Well, Yes)

I thought other people needed this book. In the act of researching, thinking, and praying I discovered I needed this book. Imagine setting out to write a book only to discover you knew absolutely nothing about the topic, or worse still: you had not lived a life remotely resembling that topic. This is why it’s taken three years to produce a remarkably thin volume.
This book is about living deeply into a lifestyle of repentance—a subject not discussed much in my faith neighborhood. Each “chapter” is short. I had a rhythm in mind: read, then meditate; study, then understand; practice again and again.
I owe thanks a cadre of friends who have encouraged me again and again in this (and all), my pretensions toward the writing life. They are each astoundingly creative in their own vineyards, and have condescended to allow me be their fellow traveler. Collectively, I think of them as the gang at the Eagle and Child Pub.
Finally, I’m so very grateful to Kim Hollenbach, my long-suffering wife, who has lived 30+ years with a husband who knows little to nothing about repentance as a daily practice: imagine the burden! She also volunteered to proof read the book, and did so under an unreasonably short deadline.
This book is available at Amazon, paperback or Kindle.