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Entries in Tiu (1)

Everone's Entitled to My Opinion: About Radical Generosity

Have you ever been moved to an act of radical generosity? Really radical, say, like the woman who poured out perfume worth a year’s wages on Jesus’ feet?

Earlier this week two of my friends flew to Seattle, Washington. They paid extra for their luggage: two bicycles. Over the next few weeks they will ride those bicycles to Bar Harbour, Maine. The 4,100 mile ride will raise money for children in Kenya, providing one meal a day for children who are forced to choose between going to school or begging for food.

Who would give their summer for children they do not know? Who would engage in a radical act of physical courage to draw attention to others in need? Who would raise thousands of dollars in order to change someone’s life forever?

The answer is: Mark and Sarah Tiu. Husband and wife, Mark and Sarah Tiu ("Chew") have embarked on a crazy plan to change the lives of thousands. Can you imagine biking a hundred miles a day, crossing mountains and prairies, camping in the middle of nowhere all in order to show practical love? In my opinion you should read their story--better yet, in my opinion you should support them with your own radical act of generosity.