Following Jesus requires hearing his voice. We have the record of his life, death, and resurrection in the four gospels. We have the record of the early church and the record of letters to those churches, but we need more than the historical record. We need to hear his voice. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). These famous words offer an abundant life to those who hear his voice and follow him. The tenth chapter of John’s gospel contains an image of Jesus as the good shepherd. Three times Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice.” (vs 3, 4, & 16)
Here is a Monday meditation: do I know his voice? How does Jesus speak to me, personally?
The scriptures provide revelation and direction to all believers. The words of the Bible are true and sure. But how do I hear his voice to me, personally? If Jesus wants to lead me to a safe place where I can experience the fullness he has planned for me, how do I know where to go and what to do? It’s true that the scripture can provide insight and guidelines: how to avoid sin and enter into joyful gratitude, but how will I know specifically where to go, and when? The answer lies in our ability to personally hear his voice today, and each day.
It’s Monday. When the craziness of the business day begins to settle into the routine of a new week, here are some questions to consider:
- Do I really know his voice?
- Apart from the Bible, how does Jesus speak to me?
- How are his voice and the promise of abundant life connected?
My prayer is that you will find a quiet place to listen.
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